French glossary of health professionals

Increase your vocabulary with this French glossary of health professionals.

Remember to bring your carte vitale when you visit a healthcare professional in France.

Health Specialists in FrenchEnglish translations
un aide-soignantnurse aide
un allergologueallergist
un ambulancierambulance person
un audioprothésisteaudioprosthologist
un chirurgiensurgeon
un dentiste ou un chirurgien-dentistedentist
un chirurgien orthopédisteOrthopedic Surgeon
un dermato (short for dermatologue) dermatologist
un diététiciendietitian
un endocrinologueendocrinologist
un endodontisteendodontist
un ergothérapeuteoccupational therapist
un gynécologuegynecologist
une infirmièrefemale nurse
un kiné (short for kinésitherapeute) Kinesiotherapists
un masseur-kinésithérapeutemassage therapist
un médecin généralistegeneral practitioner
un médecin traitantprimary doctor
un médecin MPR (médecine physique et de réadaptation) ou physiatrephysiatrist
un neurologueneurologist
un ophtalmo (short for ophtalmologue)ophthalmologist (read Optic care in French)
un obstétricienobstetrician
un opticienoptician
un optométristeoptometrist
un ORLotorhinolaryngologist or ENT
un orthodontisteorthodontist
un orthophonistespeech therapist
un orthoptisteorthoptist
un parodontisteperiodontist
un pédiatrepediatrician
un pharmacienpharmacist
un pédicure-podologuepodiatrist who also treats nails issues
un pédicurenail specialist
un pneumologuepulmonologist
un podologuepodiatrist
un psychiatrepsychiatrist
un psychologuepsychologist
un psychomotricienpsychomotor therapist
une puéricultricepediatric nurse practitioner
un rhumatologuerheumatologist
une sage-femmemidwife
un stomatologue ou stomatologistestomatologist
un technicien de laboratoire médicalmedical lab technician
un urologueurologist
un vénérologuevenereologist
un vétérinaireveterinarian

If you want to learn disease’s names in French and how to describe your symptoms, head to Diseases in French.

Nathalie Nahmani

About Nathalie Nahmani

Nathalie is the creator of ma French Life. She moved back to France after living in Los Angeles for 20 years. She writes practical articles to help expats in France. Nathalie lives with her family in the French Alps near Grenoble.

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