40 false friends English French

This article unveils over 40 false friends English French to (hopefully) save you the embarrassment of saying the wrong word at the wrong time.

False friends, also called false cognates, are deceitful because you think you know a word when in fact you don’t. A French false friend looks or sounds like an English word but its meaning in French is entirely different. Each false friend is explained and I show you how to use the correct word in a sentence in French.

achever ≠ achieve

meaning: terminate – finish

Il a achevé son travail deux semaines en avance.
He finished his work two weeks in advance.

French translation of achieve: réussir

Il faut beaucoup travailler pour réussir à l’université.
You have to work hard to achieve in college.

apologie ≠ apology

meaning: praise – glorification

Son article est une apologie de la violence.
His article is a glorification of violence.

French translation of apology: excuse

Veuillez accepter mes excuses.
Please accept my apologies.

attendre ≠ attend

meaning: wait

J’attends le bus depuis dix minutes.
I have been waiting for the bus for ten minutes.

French translation of attend: assister – être présent

J’ai assisté à la réunion de mardi dernier.
I attended last Tuesday’s meeting.

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audition ≠ audition

meaning: hearing

J’ai l’impression que mon audition a baissé.
It feels like my hearing is getting worse.

French translation of audition: audition (the word audition has two meanings in French: hearing and audition)

Il a passé une audition pour un film à Hollywood.
He had an audition for a movie in Hollywood.

blanquette ≠ blanket

meaning: white meat dish

Je vais cuisiner une blanquette de veau pour ce soir.
I am making veal blanquette for diner.

French translation of blanket: couverture

J’ai demandé des couvertures supplémentaires.
I asked for extra blankets.

caméra ≠ camera

meaning: video camera

Je l’ai filmé en train de skier avec ma caméra.
I video recorded him skiing.

French translation of camera: appareil photo

Je ne me sers plus de mon appareil photo.
I don’t use my camera anymore.

caractère ≠ character

meaning: temper

Il est facile, il a bon caractère.
He’s easy going, he is good-tempered.

French translation of character: personnage

Le personnage principal de la pièce n’est pas crédible.
The main character of the play is not credible.

collège ≠ college

meaning: middle school

Les ados prennent le bus pour aller au collège.
Teens ride the bus to go to middle school.

French translation of college: université

Après le bac, les jeunes étudient à l’université.
After their baccalaureate, young people study at college.

compréhensif ≠ comprehensive

meaning: understanding

Je lui ai expliqué le problème et il a été très compréhensif.
I explained the issue to him and he was very understanding.

French translation of comprehensive: approfondi

J’essaye d’écrire des articles approfondis.
I try to write comprehensive articles.

convention ≠ convention

meaning: agreement – treaty

La convention fiscale entre la France et les États-Unis évite la double imposition.
A fiscal tax treaty between France and the United States prevents double taxation.

French translation of convention: congrès – salon

Je suis allée au congrès de la Nature l’hiver dernier.
I went to the Nature convention last winter.

crâne ≠ crane

meaning: skull

Il s’est ouvert le crâne sur l’angle du mur.
He cracked his skull open on the wall corner.

French translation of crane: une grue

Cette grue est là depuis le début des travaux de rénovation.
This crane has been here since they started renovating.

embrasser ≠ embrace

meaning: kiss – hug

Ils se sont embrassés pour la première fois à Paris.
They had their first kiss in Paris.

French translation of embrace: accepter

Accepte tes défauts.
Embrace your imperfections.

entrée ≠ entrée

meaning: first course

Elle commande toujours une salade en entrée.
She always orders a salad as a first course.

French translation of entrée: plat principal

Il commande toujours un steak-frites en plat principal.
He always orders steak and fries as an entrée.

escroc ≠ escrow

meaning: dishonest person – crook

Les escrocs finissent rarement en prison.
Crooks rarely end up in jail.

French translation of escrow: entiercement

L’entiercement n’est pas courant en France.
Escrows are not common in France.

éventuellement ≠ eventually

meaning: under specific circumstances – maybe – possibly

On pourrait faire une réunion éventuellement.
We could possibly have a meeting.

French translation of eventually: à la fin, finir par, au bout du compte

Je finirai par recevoir ma carte vitale.
I will get my carte vitale eventually.

figure ≠ figure

meaning: face

Ça se voit comme le nez au milieu de la figure.
It sticks out like a sore thumb.

French translation of figure: silhouette

Elle est très fière de sa silhouette.
She is very proud of her figure.

finalement ≠ finally

meaning: in the end – eventually – after all

J’avais lu des mauvaises critiques mais ce film est super finalement.
Even though I’re read bad reviews, this movie is great after all.

French translation of finally: enfin

Après plusieurs mois d’attente, elle a enfin reçu sa carte vitale.
After waiting for several months, she finally received her carte vitale.

génial ≠ genial

meaning: awesome, great. You can use it for a person or something.

J’ai enfin trouvé un appartement et il est génial !
I finally found an appartment and the place is awesome!

French translation of genial: joyeux

Notre hôte était joyeux, il chantait tout le temps.
Our host was genial, he was always singing.

habit ≠ habit

meaning: piece of clothing

Elle porte les mêmes habits qu’hier.
She is wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

French translation of habit: habitude

Il est difficile de changer ses habitudes.
Changing habits is difficult.

injure ≠ injury

meaning: insult

Il est parti en criant des injures.
He left the place yelling insults.

French translation of injury: blessure

Il s’est fait une blessure au genou en skiiant.
He had knee injury while skiing.

introduire ≠ introduce

meaning: insert – enter without permission

Quelqu’un s’est introduit dans ma chambre d’hotel.
Someone broke into my hotel’s room.

French translation of introduce: présenter

Je vous présente ma nouvelle voisine.
Let me introduce my new neighbor.

issue ≠ issue

meaning: exit, solution

Ce problème est sans issue.
There’s no solution to this problem.

French translation of issue: problème

I don’t have an issue with that.
Je n’ai pas de problème avec ça.

journal ≠ journal

meaning: newspaper

Tous les matins, il lit le journal en buvant son café.
Every morning, he reads the newspapers while drinking coffee.

French translation of journal: tenir un journal

Elle a commencé à tenir un journal après le décès de son mari.
She started a journal after her husband’s death.

légume≠ legume

meaning: vegetable

Il est conseillé de manger cinq fruits et légumes par jour.
It is recommended to have five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

French translation of legume: légumineuse

Les légumineuses sont riches en fibre.
Legumes are high in fiber.

librairie ≠ library

meaning: book store

Je vais acheter un livre à la librairie.
I will buy a book at the book store.

French translation of library: bibliothèque

J’aime emprunter des livres à la bibliothèque.
I like to borrow books from the library.

location ≠ location

meaning: rental

Je recherche une maison en location.
I am looking for a house to rent.

French translation of location: emplacement – localisation

L’emplacement d’une maison détermine son prix.
Location determines the price of a house.

magasin ≠ magazine

meaning: store – shop

Je suis allée dans un magasin de chaussures pour acheter des bottes.
I went to a shoe store to buy some boots.

French translation of magazine: magazine

Elle aime lire les magazines de mode.
She enjoys reading fashion magazines.

monnaie ≠ money

meaning: change

Gardez la monnaie.
Keep the change.

French translation of money: argent

Je vais à la banque retirer de l’argent.
I am going to the bank to withdraw some money.

pain ≠ pain

meaning: bread

J’ai acheté du pain à la boulangerie.
I bought some bread at the bakery.

French translation of pain: douleur

J’ai une douleur au ventre.
I feel some pain in the abdomen.

passer un examen ≠ pass an exam

meaning: take an exam

Son fils vient de passer le permis de conduire mais il l’a raté.
Her son just failed the driving exam.

French translation of pass an exam: réussir un examen

Mon cousin a réussi son permis de conduire sans réviser.
My cousin passed his driving test without studying.

préjudice ≠ prejudice

meaning: wrong – damage

Le préjudice écologique est un concept assez récent.
Ecological damage is a fairly recent concept.

French translation of prejudice: préjugé

Les préjugés ont la vie dure.
It is hard to reduce prejudice.

préservatif ≠ preservative

meaning: male contraceptive – condom

Mets un préservatif si tu ne veux pas avoir d’enfants.
Wear a condom if you do not want to have children.

French translation of preservative: conservateur

Est-ce qu’il y a des conservateurs dans ce jambon?
Does this ham contain preservatives?

récipient ≠ recipient

meaning: container – box

J’ai mis la farine dans un récipient en verre.
I put the flour in a glass container.

French translation of recipient: destinataire

Merci de me mettre en destinataire de l’email.
Please put me as a recipient on the email.

rester ≠ rest

meaning: remain – stay

Elle reste à la maison pour garder les enfants.
She stays home to look after the kids.

French translation of rest: se reposer

Il a besoin de se reposer après sa maladie.
He needs to rest after his illness.

résumé (noun) ≠ resume

meaning: condensed version – summary

J’ai lu le résumé du livre comme je n’avais pas le temps de le lire en entier.
I read a summary of the book since I didn’t have enough time to read the whole book.

French translation of resume: CV (curriculum vitae)

Merci d’envoyer une lettre de recommandation avec votre CV.
Please submit a recommendation letter with your resume.

résumer (verb) ≠ resume

meaning: summarize

Je te résume l’histoire.
I give you the short version of the story.

French translation of resume: recommencer – redémarrer

Dépêche toi, le film va recommencer.
Hurry up, the movie is about to resume.

retiré ≠ retired

meaning: extract – remove – take away – take off – withdraw

Merci de retirer vos chaussures avant d’entrer.
Please take off your shoes before entering.

French translation of retired: retraité

Les retraités ont plus de temps pour voyager.
Retired people have more time to travel.

sensible ≠ sensible

meaning: sensitive

Mon fils est très sensible, il pleure facilement.
My son is highly sensitive, he cries easily.

French translation of sensible: raisonnable

Il n’est pas raisonnable de dépenser autant.
It is not sensible to spend so much.

slip ≠ slip

meaning: man’s underwear – briefs

Il se promène en slip à la maison.
He’s strolling around in his briefs at home.

French translation of slip: glissade

Elle est tombée après une glissade.
She fell after a slip.

store ≠ store

meaning: blinds – shutters

J’ai baissé les stores parce qu’il y avait trop de soleil.
I closed the blinds because there was too much sun.

French translation of store: magasin

J’aime bien faire les magasins avec ma sœur.
I like to go shopping with my sister.

vilain ≠ villain

meaning: ugly – naughty

La curiosité est un vilain défaut.
Curiosity is an ugly flaw.

French translation of villain: antagoniste du héros – personnage de méchant

Dark Vador est une icône des personnages de méchants.
Darth Vader is an iconic villain.

Keep improving your French and learn some slang today!

Nathalie Nahmani

About Nathalie Nahmani

Nathalie is the creator of ma French Life. She moved back to France after living in Los Angeles for 20 years. She writes practical articles to help expats in France. Nathalie lives with her family in the French Alps near Grenoble.

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6 thoughts on “40 false friends English French”

  1. Hi — great post, as usual!
    Your email announcing this post itself contains a “false friend”!
    You said it was your “last article”, which would mean, of course, that you were announcing your retirement from writing newsletters!
    I hope not!

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