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French air quality certificate

Do you need a French air quality certificate to drive in France? Read this FAQ to make sure you comply with the anti-pollution law when driving in France.

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What is Crit’Air?

Crit’Air is the commercial name for the Air Quality Certificate to reduce pollution in France.

How does Crit’Air work?

A Crit’Air score reflects a vehicle’s emission level, based on the engine energy system along with the car’s first registration year.

You put a Crit’Air sticker (vignette) on display in your vehicle.

What are the Crit’Air scores?

Crit’Air classifies vehicles according to the fine particles and levels of nitrogen oxide they emit. Scores go from zero for electric and hydrogen vehicles, to five for highest emitters.

Except for electric cars, vehicles in France have a Euro norm score, which is one of the criteria used to determine your car’s Crit’Air score. The Euro norm number can be found on your car’s registration.

Crit’Air scores go from zero to five.

Gasoline and hybrid cars registered after 2011 get a purple sticker (score #1) while diesel cars registered after 2011 get a yellow sticker (score #2). Orange stickers (score #3) are for diesel cars registered between 2006 and 2010 as well as gasoline and hybrid cars registered between 1997 and 2005.

Burgundy stickers (score #4) are for diesel card registered between 2001 and 2005. Last but not least, diesel cars registered between 1997 and 2000 get a grey sticker (score #5).

How much does it cost to get a French air quality certificate?

The Crit’Air certificate only costs €3.11 per vehicle, plus additional €0.66 shipping fees.

What documents do you need to order a Crit’Air certificate?

You only need your car registration and a credit card to order your Crit’Air sticker. Before buying an air quality certificate, make sure your address is correct on your car registration because your Crit’Air sticker will be sent to this address.

Where can you buy a Crit’Air sticker?

Order your certificate online from the French official website. Do you use any other site as this is the official one. Click on EN at the top of the page to access the English version.

If you don’t have internet access, you can order your air quality certificate by regular mail instead. Fill out a Crit’Air application form and mail it to the following address.

Service de délivrance des certificats qualité de l’air
BP 50637
59506 Douai Cedex

How long does it take to receive a Crit’Air sticker?

Once you ordered your Crit’Air sticker, you should receive it within ten days. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after your order. Use that email as a temporary certificate if you need a certificate right away.

You can check the status of your order on

Where to put a Crit’Air sticker?

You should place your Crit’Air sticker in the lower right-hand corner of your car’s windshield. The Crit’Air score must be visible from the outside of the car.

The Crit'Air sticker should be put in the lower right corner of your car's windshield
Display your Crit’Air sticker in the lower right-hand corner of your windshield

Do you need a French air quality certificate?

Air Quality Certificates are mandatory to drive in low-emission zones in France. They are also mandatory when the French government sets temporary traffic restrictions during periods of high level pollution. On peak pollution days, only some categories of cars are allowed on the roads. Peak pollution days are more and more frequent during summer.

Do you need an air quality certificate if your vehicle is not registered in France?

You have to show a Crit’Air sticker to drive in low-emission zones in France, even with a foreign license plate. On the French official website, make sure you select the Vehicle Registered Abroad tab.

What is a low-emission zone?

A low-emission zone is a restricted traffic zone, exclusively accessible to low-emission vehicles. Low-emission zones in France are called ZFE-m for Zones à faibles émissions mobilité. The purpose of low-emission zones is to restrict access to big city centers to less polluting vehicles.

How do you know you’re entering a restricted zone?

A red circle traffic sign indicates that you’re entering a low-emission zone. Days and times when the restriction applies are specified on a separate sign below the main red circle sign. Read French road signs to learn more traffic signs.

An air quality certificate is mandatory to enter low-emission zones in France
A Crit’Air certificate is mandatory to drive in low-emission zones in France.

Which traffic sign signals the end of a low-emission zone?

You know you’re exiting a low-emission zone when you see the following sign.

End of low-emission zone French road sign
End of low-emission zone

Where are low-emission zones Located in France?

Most low-emission zones are located near big cities such as Paris, greater Paris and Ile de France, Lille, Lyon, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Toulouse, Chambéry, Annecy, Rouen, Reims, Saint-Etienne, Nice, Marseille and Rennes. 

A list of the low-emission zones in France is available on the Bison Futé website.

Where can you check temporary traffic restrictions?

During pollution peaks, your local préfecture can set up temporary traffic restrictions. These temporary restrictions can either reduce the speed limit or limit the number of vehicles on the road, or both.

Traffic restrictions are in the news the day before they take effect. Make sure you listen to the radio before traveling during summer.

You can check out the current temporary traffic restrictions on the Laboratoire Central de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’Air website. On the map, click on your department to see which traffic restrictions apply.

Do electric car owners need to buy a Crit’Air sticker?

Electric car owners need to display an air quality sticker like everyone else to enter restricted zones. The only difference is that their sticker is green and they are always allowed on the roads, regardless of the pollution levels.

Should I renew my Crit’Air sticker every year?

French air quality certificates don’t expire. They’re valid as long as the Crit’Air sticker is readable. Each car keeps the same Crit’Air score for the duration of the car.

Are drivers with disabilities exempted?

People with disabilities or reduced mobility can access low-emission zones at any time with a reduced mobility parking card (Carte mobilité inclusion mention stationnement or CMI-S).

people with disabilities can be exempted from traffic restrictions due to pollution
People with a carte mobilité stationnement are exempted from traffic restrictions in low-emission zones

What if you need to change your windshield?

If you ever need to change your car windshield, you have to order a new air quality certificate.

Is Crit’Air exclusively for cars?

Air quality certificates apply to all motor vehicles in France, for individuals as well as public transportation vehicles. This includes motorcycles, quad bikes, trucks and buses.

Is Crit’Air valid in Europe?

Unfortunately, Crit’Air is valid almost exclusively in France and other European countries use different systems.

To enter restricted zones in Germany, you need an environmental badge (Umweltplakette in german) that you can order from ServicePortal Baden-Wüttemberg.

As an exception, Switzerland’s anti-pollution system called Stick’AIR is very similar to Crit’Air. Crit’Air stickers are valid to enter restricted zones in Geneva.

What are the penalties for not having an air quality certificate?

You are subject to a €68 fine for driving or parking in a low-emission zone without a Crit’Air sticker. Driving without a Crit’Air sticker during temporary traffic restrictions can get you a €450 fine.

If you have plans to relocate to France, make sure you know how long you can use your US driver’s license in France and if you can exchange it for a French driver’s license.

Nathalie Nahmani

About Nathalie Nahmani

Nathalie is the creator of ma French Life. She moved back to France after living in Los Angeles for 20 years. She writes practical articles to help expats in France. Nathalie lives with her family in the French Alps near Grenoble.

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